

Relancer l’Entrepreneuriat: AGadez pour l’Innovation et la cREation des entreprises

The project aims to contribute to regional stability and better management of migration by tackling the root causes of irregular migration, increasing economic and local opportunities through sustainable environmental management. The specific objective will be to establish an ecosystem that promotes the development of MSMEs for the entire Agadez region. The COOPI proposal provides for intervention in particular in the Municipality of Agadez, through the installation of an incubation centre at the University of Agadez (UAZ) and two school farms on land made available by the Town Hall of the city of Agadez thanks to an agreement between the university and the Town Hall itself. Through collaboration with CIPMEN and the University of Agadez, the project will reach a sufficient number of beneficiaries who reside outside the Municipality of Agadez, and will launch entrepreneurial activities for the benefit of a much larger geographic area.

Within the project, E4Impact carries out the following activities:

  • Creation of a business incubator in Agadez and of a team of local teachers;
  • Introduction of a B2B platform tailored to African needs.
  • COUNTRY: Niger
  • THEMATIC AREA: Waste Management
  • PERIOD: 01/08/2020- 31/07/2022
  • DONOR: European Union via AICS
  • STATUS: Concluded
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