
Samuel Muema

Samuel Muema


Agrifor delivers to smallholder and commercial farmers affordable high quality seed, seedlings, farm inputs, training and financing they need to grow incomes, have decent work and have surplus food and fiber.

Major Achievements

  • Facilitated the formation of 16 smallholder farmers’ producer groups with about 600 farmers in Mwala Sub-County, Machakos County;
  • Impacts about 6,000 smallholder farmer household members directly and 5,000 indirectly through the work it does with commercial farmers and agribusiness partner organizations in Machakos County;
  • Established a high quality seedlings nursery with an annual production capacity of over 2 million seedlings;
  • Is working to increase the County’s forest cover from the current 1.3% to about 3% by 2025;
  • Collaborated with Kenya Forest Service, Machakos County for seed and seedlings production land for the long haul;
  • Named the most environmentally impactful model during the Disrupt Open Source Seed System in 2018.

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CEO & Lead Technical Associate


2018/19 – Nairobi, Kenya
