
Juillson Kavakerwa

Juillson Kavakerwa

Program of Actions for Sustainable Development (PADS)

An NGO in the Democratic Republic of Congo devoted to mitigate perverse effects of development for the wellbeing of all, in several areas such as Water, Food security, Ecology and Public health.

Major Achievements

  • Gave 175,000 people access to clean drinking water;
  • Contributed to the construction of toilettes in 50 schools;
  • Thanks to a 5-year funding from DRC Road Maintenance Trust Fund has restructured 35 Km of road between Musienene village up to Butembo  city  in Lubero territory;
  • In 2014, in partnership with Oxfam GB and Solidarités Internationale (French NGO), has distributed hygienic kits to Internally Displaced households in the Kalunguta health zone;
  • In 2018 conducted an awareness campaign on Civic and electoral education to more than 76,000 direct beneficiaries thanks to funding of USAID-UKAID consortium;
  • In 2019 constructed water catchments in the villages of Labu in Beni territory thanks to financial support from the US Embassy;
  • Conducted extensive awareness campaigns during the Ebola (2019) and Covid-19 (2020) outbreaks to communicate rules of hygiene to prevent infection;
  • Has a team of 12 employees and 15 associate members.
Read Juillson’s interview

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General Director


2011/12 – Nairobi, Kenya
