It has been a busy week the one from the 4th to the 10th of April, in those days we run two Middle Boot Camps and two Business Model Competitions for the entrepreneurs in Accra (Ghana) at CIBT and in Makeni (Sierra Leone) at UNIMAK.

During the Business Model Competition the 72 entrepreneurs attending the Global MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship in the two countries went through a real moment of testing and pitched in front of potential investors and partners presenting their Business Models.

Here below the names of the winners and of their businesses.

For the 3rd edition of the MBA in Ghana we congratulate:

  1. Ama Brenya (Ladl Patisserie, food truck brand noted for healthy pastries) – Best Scale up;
  2. Kingsley Amoatin (Athletica, fitness center promoting health) – Best Start up;
  3. Patience Mantey (Innovative Food Processing Ltd, a startup of agro food processing industry in the FMCG sector)– Best New project;
  4. Bridget Awuah (Female Reproductive Health Trust, treatment centers for women)– Best Improvement;
  5. Samuel Alornyo (Rescue School Community, a community-centered model that addresses core educational needs of the community using the school as the organizing vehicle.) and Martin Osei (Inno Mart, that delivers convenient paper packaging solutions tailored to meet food industry requirements and minimize environmental impact) – Best Social impact (ex-aequo).

For the 1st edition of the MBA in Sierra Leone, where the Business Model Competition was the climax of an intensive week of training led by prof. where our CEO, Mario Molteni, we congratulate:

  1. Edward Sesay (EDRO Solar Power System, a Start-Up aiming at installing tailor-made power solutions);
  2. Alinah Kallon (ALINADAD Investment, a Multimedia Production company) and Archibald Shodeke (Advent Beverage Start-Up aiming at processing local ginger juice) ex aequo;
  3. Steven Mansaray (Leonecorn Production, a local Start-Up that wants to become a reliable producer of quality corn).

In Makeni the business competition started with 4 parallel industry sessions with the following external judges:

Next MBA edition in Ghana will start in October 2016, in Sierra Leone in September 2016 with a Business Idea Competition that will award limited number of full/partial scholarships. Application forms and more information will be soon available! Stay tuned!