On the 15 December 2022, E4Impact Foundation and Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo have met in Rome to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of facilitating the contacts between African and Italian companies. The two partners agreed to offer moments of networking in order to create synergies between the enterprises. Italian companies, in particular, will have the opportunity to make themselves known at international level and to establish business relations with African partners. 

The signing of the agreement, which took place during the Public Assembly of Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo, also aims to promote relations between complementary Italian companies interested in growing in a given African market.

E4Impact Foundation operates in 20 African countries offering entrepreneurial training programs, accelerators and collaborating in multilateral projects. Since 2010, the Foundation has promoted win-win partnerships between Italian and African companies. Thanks to its linkages with over 6.000 African trained entrepreneurs, a wide network of institutional relationships and contacts with local business networks, E4Impact is able to guarantee Italian companies a professional and safe approach to new markets.

E4Impact Foundation has three objectives: to promote entrepreneurship in Africa, to consolidate an alliance of African universities offering entrepreneurial training programs and to develop business partnerships between Italian and African companies“, explains E4Impact CEO, Prof. Mario Molteni. “The collaboration with Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo is going in this direction. We are delighted to start working together and create moments of networking between Italian and African entrepreneurs, continuing to generate a positive impact in the countries where E4Impact Foundation operates“, he added.

Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo is the International Department of Confindustria that supports Italian companies in their path of growth and development in Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East, orienting them towards markets that offer the best opportunities in their business sector.

Creating connections between Italian companies and African entrepreneurs who attended the E4Impact training Programs will enable our businesses to engage with partners that are culturally close to Italy”, highlights Massimo Dal Checco, President of Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterranean. He explains that the collaboration with E4Impact, thanks to the technical skills and the know-how of the Made in Italy, intends to contribute to the creation of a generation of African entrepreneurs who may be the reference point of Italian companies in the Continent.

To achieve the objectives of this Memorandum of Understanding, Confindustria Assafrica &  Mediterraneo and E4Impact will organize events, roadshows and webinars involving the Associations of the Confindustria system and Italian and African companies, thus fostering knowledge and networking between the varied realities involved.