David is a young and cheerful entrepreneur from Ghana, attending the second edition of the Global MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship at the Catholic Institute of Business and Technology in Accra.

He studied Computer Science at the University of Cape Coast and then worked on different projects, until he came up with the idea of Flippy Campus, the mobile app he is currently working on at E4impact MBA.

I’ve always had a strong passion for entrepreneurship” he told us, when we first met. His first startup was at the age of 19 when he completed high school, it was a magazine (West Side Entertainment) that provided monthly news for high schools in Takoradi. Now he is a successful entrepreneur, that with his Flippy Campus managed to be selected by DEMO Africa pre-pirtch in Accra.

  1. What is your business about?

My business Flippy Campus is a mobile application that helps students get timely access to all campus based information on their phones. On Flippy students can find out about the class that got cancelled or the upcoming party, they can also connect with friends on their halls, departments and students in other schools.

  1. How was your Business Idea born?

While I was in the university, I missed a quiz because the time for the exams was changed and this change was communicated to students through the notice boards. Since I didn’t go to the notice board  to get this information, I missed out on the quiz. After this experience, I decided to find a way in which students could have access to all the information that they needed. The Flippy Campus idea was born!

  1. How can your business improve the life of the beneficiaries of your activities? Can you give us an example of this improvement?

With Flippy Campus students don’t have to go to their department’s notice board every day to see if there is an announcement, instead they can live in the comfort of their rooms and have access to all the information they need. Flippy Campus is real time and comfortable information provider, that lowers their possibility to miss an important test.

  1. What has been the main challenge you had to overcome in your entrepreneurial experience? How have you managed to overcome it?

The main challenges that I have faced was getting the administrators of the groups to post information at the right time. They are still use to printing out posters and pasting them on notice boards and sometimes they forget to use Flippy. Our relationship managers are in charge of helping the content creators and reminding them to post on regular basics.

  1. In your opinion, what are the main qualities an entrepreneur should have?

An entrepreneur should not be afraid to do something that is different, even though the results are not clear. An entrepreneur should also be able to deal with uncertainty and trust a lot in his/her guts.

  1. Is there a person you are inspired by, i.e. an entrepreneur or a particular mentor?

I admire Richard Branson because of his approach to marketing (unconventional ways). I like that fact that everything he does is so different and he is able to get free press coverage and spark social media discussions that helps a lot in brand awareness and guerilla marketing.

  1. What would you suggest to a new-born entrepreneur?

I will advise to try something new and have the guts to face uncertainty.

  1. Could you tell us a particular satisfactory moment you had in your entrepreneurial activity?

When I spoke to a student of my application and requested to download it, he did download it and he was so much in love with the app he kept thanking me for doing it and even asked me how it feels to do what I am doing. He went further to share the app with all his social media contact. It was fabulous!


“I’m a young man who loves technology and spend most of my time looking for ways it can be used to influence human life positively”

Learn more on Flippy Campus


Facebook page: Flippy Campus

Twitter Account: @flippy_campus