
Founders & Participants

Associazione Genesi

Associazione Genesi aims to promote a worldwide rebirth through a new socially committed approach for the defense of human rights in every part of the world, properly enhancing different cultures and the environment.
For this purpose, the association has given life to a collection of contemporary art, selecting 30 works by artists from all over the world that reflect on the urgent, complex and often dramatic contemporary cultural, environmental, social and political issues, with a more specific attention to non-Western countries.

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Founded in 1921, the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – UCSC is the largest private institution of higher learning in Europe. UCSC, with 42,000 students and 12 Faculties, is an academic community whose purpose is to contribute to the development of specialized studies, scientific research, and the preparation of young adults for work, service in research and teaching, and careers in the public and private sectors. It achieves these goals by offering a superior academic education inspired by the basic principles of Christian Social Doctrine.


Founded in Milan in 1937, Mapei is today the world leader in the production of adhesives and complementary products for the installation of all types of floor and wall coverings. The company is also specialized in other chemical products for building: from waterproofers to special mortars, from admixtures for concrete to products for the restoration of ancient buildings. The Group now counts 79 subsidiaries, 7 of which service companies, with 67 plants in 32 countries in the five continents, with an aggregated turnover of 2.6 billion euros and nearly 9000 employees.


Webuild is a global leader in the design and construction of large, complex projects in the sectors of sustainable mobility (rail, metro, bridges, roads, ports), hydropower (dams, power plants), water (treatment and desalination plants, wastewater management, irrigation dams) and green buildings (civil and industrial buildings, airports, stadiums, hospitals). It supports clients in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. The recognised leader in infrastructure for the water sector, it operates in 50 countries. It has 85,000 direct and indirect employees from 100 nationalities, and a supply chain of more than 17,500 2 businesses. In its 117 years of applied engineering on more than 3,200 projects, the Group has built 14,118 kilometres of rail and metro lines, 82,509 kilometres of roads and highways, 1,018 kilometres of bridges and viaducts, 3,396 kilometres of tunnels, and 313 dams and hydropower plants. Projects include the Genoa San Giorgio Bridge, the second Panama Canal, the Lake Mead Third Intake hydraulic project near Las Vegas in the United States, the Airport Line in Perth, Australia and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center in Athens. Projects under construction include the Brenner Base Tunnel, Line 4 of the Milan metro system, the Terzo Valico dei Giovi-Nodo di Genova in Italy, and the North East Link of Melbourne in Australia. As of June 30, 2023, the Group had total orders worth €61 billion, with more than 90% of the Group’s construction backlog related to projects linked to the advancement of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Webuild, subject to the direction and coordination of Salini Costruttori S.p.A., is headquartered in Italy and is listed on the Milan stock exchange (WBD; WBD.MI; WBD:IM). Since 2021, it is member of the MIB ESG, the index of Italian companies with the best ESG practices.

Always Africa Association

Founded in Milan in 2015, Always Africa is the association created by the professionals in ALTIS – Graduate School Business and Society of the Università Cattolica, that were responsible for the African entrepreneurial training initiative that led to the founding of the E4Impact Foundation. The association promotes the entrepreneurial development of Africa, with particular attention to businesses that make a positive social and environmental impact.


Eni is a major integrated energy company, engaged in oil and natural gas exploration, field development and production, as well as in the supply, trading, and shipping of natural gas, LNG, electricity, fuels and chemical products. Through refineries and chemical plants, Eni processes crude oil and other oil-based feedstock to produce fuels, lubricants, and chemical products that are supplied to wholesalers or through retail networks or distributors. Integrity in business management, support the Countries development, operational excellence in conducting operations, innovation in developing competitive solutions. As well, the inclusiveness of Eni’s people and the development of know-how and skills, integration of financial and non-financial issues in the company’s plans, and processes drive Eni in creating sustainable value.

Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo is one of the top banking groups in Europe and is the leader in Italy in all business areas (retail, corporate, and wealth management), with 12.3 million customers and approximately 4,700 branches well distributed throughout the country. The Group wants to be a responsible financial intermediary that generates collective value knowing that innovation, development of new products and services, and corporate responsibility can contribute to reducing the impact on society of phenomena such as climate change and social inequality. In the new 2018-2021 Business Plan, a sound and sustainable creation and distribution of value remain a priority, combined with a high level of capitalization and a reduction in risk profile, focusing on innovation and people as enabling factors. The Plan confirms the role of Intesa Sanpaolo as a real economy Bank and seeks to generate sustainable profitability to create value for all stakeholders.


Vuetel is a telecommunications group working in an international wholesale voice and data services market. The long experience in the international telecommunications sector, with particular reference to both voice and data wholesale services, has allowed the company to develop a new universe dedicated to solutions based on artificial intelligence.
The mission of VueTel is to develop the telecommunications sector in Africa, by providing high quality and secure service, whose objective is made possible thanks to the reliability and flexibility of the infrastructure solutions taken and to the people’s value who run them.
VueTel has always invested in the best technologies on the market and in its professional skilled staff and collaborators.
It aims to be the perfect partner for telecommunications companies, ISPs, multinational corporations and SMEs that want to work in Africa and the Mediterranean countries, providing them with a complete and competitive service from and towards these areas of the world.


Established 60 years ago from Giuseppe Colnaghi’s business idea, Carvico S.p.A. is a symbol of Made in Italy, and the a leader in the production of stretch, warp knitted fabrics for swimwear, sportswear and outerwear, which can compete with the major players of the sector at a global level.
Over time, the Carvico Group has expanded to include also Jersey Lomellina SpA – taken over in 1977 and specialized in the production of stretch, circular knitted fabrics for underwear, lingerie, beachwear and fitness – Eurojersey SpA – taken over in 1989, located in Caronno Pertusella, which produces fabrics for beachwear, underwear, sportswear and high-end apparel – Xlance Srl – set up in 2011 in Varallo Pombia to produce a highly innovative elastomeric fibre – Hung Yen Knitting & Dyeing Co. Ltd – headquartered in Vietnam and – Carvico Ethiopia PLC – based in Kombolcha.
All the Group affiliates believe in the need to focus on the wellbeing of their employees, the local communities, and the global eco-system, since there is not growth without respect for the environment.
The Group boasts a turnover of 262 million Euros, 80% of which coming from exports, and it employs about 1.000 people, 600 of whom in Italy.

Montello Spa

Montello S.p.A. is located in the homonymous municipality in Bergamo city (in the north of Italy) in an industrial area of around 450,000 m2, 130,000 of which are indoors and has a staff of 740. It is ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, ISO 22000 and ISO 50001 certified and operates in the two following business activities:
1. Treatment, recovery and recycling of 765,000 tons/year of organic waste, including Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from separate collection.
The adopted process calls for:
– a first phase of anaerobic treatment generating biogas which, through an upgrading process, produces biomethane used as automotive biofuel, with recovery of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) which is suitable to be reused in industrial production cycles, including food applications;
– a second aerobic composting phase from digestate sludge, with production of high quality organic fertilizer.
In summary, 90% of input organic waste is recovered / recycled while the remaining 10% of undesired in the above mentionned processes residual waste is recovered as Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) and it is sent to cement plants and to energy recover plants.
2. Sorting, recovering and recycling of 350,000 tons/year of post-consumer plastic packaging waste from separated urban collection.
The integrated process first separates the different types of plastic by polymer (PET, HDPE, LDPE, PP, etc.), which are then treated to produce secondary raw materials in form of flakes and granules. In summary, 75% of input plastic waste is recovered / recycled and transformed into secondary raw materials while remaining 25% is recovered as Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) and it is sent to cement plants and to energy recover plants.

Confapi – Italian Confederation of small and medium-sized private industries

Confapi is at the service of the Italian small and medium-sized enterprises since 1947. Today, the Confederation represents the synthesis of a wide system: 116 thousand enterprises with more than 1.2 million employees applying the 13 National Labor Agreements, signed by Confapi; 63 territorial and district offices; 13 National Unions and 1 National Trade Association to which 2 Interest Groups; 13 bilateral agencies are added. Confapi protects and promotes at all levels the real interests of the Italian small and medium industry, enhances the development of SMEs through the dialogue with the Government and the Social Parties, implements initiatives and programs to promote the economic and civil development of the country in connection with national and European organizations and institutions. Confapi stipulates Inter-Confederal Agreements with the national trade union organizations, such as CGIL, CISL and UIL, as well as the National Collective Labor Agreements for small and medium-sized industrial and manufacturing, transportation and service companies. The main driving force behind the Confederation’s development and its core is the widespread territorial ramification with organizations that carry out their activities in structural, financial and administrative autonomy. The territorial branches support the member companies in their daily activities, by providing them with assistance and specific services, thanks to an in-depth knowledge of the economic peculiarities of their territories. Confapi is also a member of European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME, the largest confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe, that includes 27 national SMEs’associations with more than 2.4 million companies and more than 20 million workers. Recently, Confapi has promoted a radical change within its body. Indeed, with the aim to promote transparency and effectiveness, Confapi has strengthened the areas of study and the research centre, expanded the communication channels towards its target audience, and adapted its activities and services to the new economic and financial scenarios.


Founded by Paolo Bonomi in 1944, with 1.6 million members, it is the largest European agricultural organisation and is an important point of reference for agricultural producers and consumers from all over Europe. It has over 5,000 territorial sections and is confirmed as one of the most widespread service distribution systems in the country, which guarantees a support and assistance network throughout the national fabric.
Over the years Coldiretti has transformed what was called “agricultural raw material” into “food”, building a bridge between producers and consumers; today Coldiretti’s efforts are aimed at guaranteeing real 100% Italian Made in Italy food through a sustainable production model in social, environmental and economic terms and with concrete projects. It thus actively interprets the concept of food system, based on the principle of distinctiveness, biodiversity and fairness of supply chain relationships.
Coldiretti has created a series of tools that help support, develop and defend the new ways of food, our distinctiveness: CAMPAGNA AMICA, FdAI SIGNED BY ITALIAN FARMERS, ITALY CHAIN FOUNDATION, OBSERVATORY FOUNDATION ON CRIME IN AGRICULTURE AND ON THE AGRI-FOOD SYSTEM, EAT EUROPE.
Countless mobilisation campaigns that see Coldiretti take to the squares throughout Italy to protect citizens and farmers. Initiatives include the mad cow emergency that brought the organisation’s farmers to the borders to defend cattle farming and Italian citizens, the first collection of signatures for the mandatory label of the origin of food and the most recent collection of signatures against synthetic food.

Filiera Italia

A solid alliance between agricultural production, represented by Coldiretti, over one hundred of the most important Italian food processing companies, the major retail players and strategic partners. A project that responds to the need to represent, through a single voice at both the national and international level, the extraordinary reality of the Italian agri-food system, increasingly considered as an integrated and sustainable supply chain model. Filiera Italia promotes the Italian agri-food model as a whole, with a view to increasingly developing virtuous and integrated supply chains, where farms, small and large processing companies and retail players, which share common values and commitments, create supply chain synergies. The origin of Italian agricultural production as a guarantee of distinctiveness and healthiness turns out to be central: it is from this founding value that projects and activities aimed at the enhancement of Italian excellence and the protection of agri-food chains in national and international contexts are born. Filiera Italia is also joined by leading Italian companies employed in precision farming, satellite agriculture, big data and smart irrigation. For this reason, the Foundation is active in North African and sub-Saharan African countries to implement the Italian integrated and sustainable model for fighting food insecurity in these areas.

Diana Bracco

Diana Bracco holds a degree in chemistry from Pavia University, which also awarded her an honorary degree in pharmacy in 2001. In 2004 the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome awarded her an honorary degree in medicine. She is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bracco, a multinational healthcare Group with revenues of more than 1,3 billion Euro, of which 81% from international sales, and more than 3,400 employees. Diana Bracco is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Centro Diagnostico Italiano, President of the Bracco Foundation, President of the National Life Science Cluster – ALISEI, President of the Confindustria Fondazione Mai, President of the Fondazione Milano per Expo 2015. She has been President of Expo 2015 SpA and Commissioner General of Section for the Italy Pavilion at the Expo Milan 2015. Continuing a family tradition, Diana Bracco has held many positions in the Confindustria community, the Italian Entrepreneurial Association: from 2005 to 2009, she was President of Assolombarda, the Lombard Entrepreneurial Association and President of Federchimica from 2003 until 2005. She has also been Vice President for Research and Innovation in Confindustria. In 2002 Diana Bracco was appointed “Cavaliere del Lavoro” (Knight for Labour) by the President of the Republic and was decorated with Milan City‘s Gold Medal; in 2004, she was named a Knight of the Order of the Grand Cross of the Italian Republic.

Michele Carpinelli

Michele Carpinelli has a degree in Economy and a degree in Law from Università La Sapienza (Rome). He is part of the Association of Certified Accountants, Albo Avvocati (the italian equivalent of The Law Society), Register of Accounting Auditors, and Albo Patrocinanti in Cassazione. He works at Studio Chiomenti, where he started his collaboration in 1971, as an Associate from 1979 until 2016. He has been Director and Major of several banks and limited companies. Currently is President of the Audit Committee of Fondazione Centro Studi Enel (Foundation of the Enel Group) and President of Fondazione Aurora.

Mario Carlo Ferrario

Lawyer and investment banker, Mario Carlo Ferrario is one of the founders of Schroder Ventures – now Permira – a private equity and venture capital group. He has 25 years of experience as a manager of institutional capital funds with investments in Italy, Europe, the USA, Latin America, Africa, India, and Australia. He is currently President and Director of investment companies and asset management companies, as well as a member of the financial experts of UNESCO and the Spin-off Evaluation Commission of the Ministry of Universities and Research. Ferrario is President of the Giorgio Ambrosoli Prize Foundation and Advisor to the Bruno Leoni Foundation. He is also President of the Venture Capital group of AIFI (Italian Association of Investment Companies), Vice Chairman of Save the Children, Oxfam, Transparency International Italy, and President of the Brera Academy. Mario Carlo Ferrario has a PhD from Harvard Business School and a Law degree from the University of Milan. He regularly lectures on investment finance and impact investing. Among his publications: “Strategic Management in State Owned Enterprises” (Boston) and “Management Buy-Out: financial instruments for widespread entrepreneurship” (Turin).