
Impact Management System

E4Impact Foundation adopts an Impact Management System (IMS) that enables it to increase the effectiveness of its activities and the accomplishment of the impact that the Foundation wants to make in the African Continent.

The impact measurement of E4Impact started as direct observations and strict relationships with the first groups of beneficiaries of its MBA and has evolved over the years into a structured system that embraces a broad collection and management of high-quality data to make data-driven strategic decisions. The impact measurement process casts light on where the change is happening, in what direction, and to which level.

In this framework, the Theory of Change (ToC) approach was adopted as a roadmap that explains how and why the initiative works and creates an impact for the beneficiaries and their community of reference. The E4Impact ToC shows how our activities contribute to the mission of creating decent jobs and therefore alleviating poverty in Africa.

For E4Impact, the IMS is a crucial element to align, execute and communicate its strategies, as well as to plan a vision that includes measurable social value for its key internal and external stakeholders.


As a spin-off of ALTIS – Graduate School Business & Society of the Università Cattolica of Milan, E4Impact Foundation was born from the academic environment, thus benefitting from the research heritage of academics and researchers to develop an integrated impact measurement system.

For this reason, the ToC is also based on specific case studies carried out by Università Cattolica doctoral students and researchers, which reinforce the assumptions underlying the theory. Thanks to the constant contribution and dialogue with the research area of E4Impact, the measurement system is as well annually revised and improved.



E4Impact is a member of the Social Value Italia Association that is affiliated with Social Value International (SVI), the most important international network on social impact measurement made up of more than 3,000 fellow practitioners and professionals.

As part of the community, the Foundation embraces the 8 Principles developed and promoted by SVI to ensure that the organizations’ decisions are focused on what is valuable to people and to increase the positive and reduce the negative effects of one’s work, and ultimately increase the overall value of the activities.


Sustainable Development Goals

E4Impact IMS is also aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030. The Theory of Change highlights the mid and long-term outcomes that contribute to the achievement of SDGs 4, 8, 1, and 17.

Goal 4 is addressed by providing entrepreneurs with high-quality practical business education to build on their technical and professional entrepreneurial skills.

Goal 8 is addressed once Goal 4 is achieved. Having received practical business education entrepreneurs are in a better position to open new business activities, enhance their companies’ performance, and create decent jobs.

Goal 1 is addressed through the achievement of goals 4 and 8 whereby the creation of decent jobs increases income and alleviates poverty.

Goal 17 is the methodology of the E4Impact activities that are offered according to a collaborative model which has created a partnership of over 20 African Universities forming the E4Impact University Alliance, and over 70 project partners.

Indirectly, the E4Impact Alumni contribute with their business activities to the promotion of innovation and a fair, responsible and sustainable industrialization of the Continent (SDG 9) and the dissemination of sustainable models of production and consumption (SDG 12).