
Interns Club

Interns Club – Angelo Leone

Since 2012 many students, from the Università Cattolica and other universities have spent a period in Africa to carry out an internship or to write their thesis related to the activities of the E4Impact Foundation.

For the students involved, this has been an experience that has left a meaningful trace in their lives, opening their minds to an entirely new context, both difficult and promising.

The Interns Club – Angelo Leone represents how they can keep this experience alive, nourishing the friendship that has born and, within the limits of everyone’s possibilities, keeps contributing to the life of the Foundation.

The Club is titled to Angelo Leone, that carried out his internship and thesis in Uganda in 2016, making others appreciate him for his professionalism, passion, and friendship. Unfortunately, Angelo left us in 2018. Dedicating the Club to him, we want to express a little proof of our respect and our love to him and his family. The Club will commemorate his memory at an annual moment.


Leone Mentor Club

Some of the former interns are involved in a mentorship service towards the E4Impact entrepreneurs involved in the MBA. This is a typical win-win situation since it will help not only the entrepreneurs themselves but also the interns that can enhance their functional (strategy, marketing, finance, etc.) and/or sectorial skills gained during their working experience.



Olmo Ardigò

Mentoring services: Process Mapping; Management control; Business Strategy; Change management; Project management; Industrial Plans; Coaching.

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Marco Areni

Mentoring services: Project Management; Management Consulting; Digital Transformation & Change Management; Logistics & Transport Management.

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Alessia Argiolas

Mentoring services: Social and environmental impact measurement.

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Andrea Cantarella

Mentoring services: Community Building (in Uganda, I’ve set up an event to build the E4Impact Community); Consulting (Business model canvas, pitch, Business Planning); Social and environmental impact measurement.

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Gianmarco Mizzi

Mentoring Services: Financial report’s analysis and drafting; Decision support; Performance audit.

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Emanuele Napoli

Mentoring Services: Business planning, accounting, audit.

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Giovanni Enrico Ravelli

Mentoring Services: Corporate social responsibility strategies; Marketing.

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Carmine Russo

Mentoring Services: Business Plan; Financial forecasting models; Business Model Canvas; New Technologies (Industry 4.0).

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