Zimbabwe, like many other African nations, faces a significant energy divide, especially in its rural areas. According to Sustainable Energy for All – Africa Hub, approximately 60% of Zimbabwe’s population resides in these regions, where access to electricity is often limited or non-existent. Many families rely on candles, kerosene lamps, and firewood for lighting and cooking, which not only provide poor illumination but also pose health hazards due to smoke and emissions.

This lack of reliable energy access hinders educational opportunities, economic activities, and overall quality of life, perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

Lovemore Manyere, #E4ImpactEntrepreneur from Zimbabwe, works every day to reduce this gap with his business Agriput Solar, a company which provides affordable, durable and innovative renewable energy solutions for rural areas.

Lovemore joined our Global MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe in Harare in 2022 to get the chance to scale up its business, improve his strategies and expand his network. But, above all, he dreamt to make an even stronger impact in his community.

The E4Impact program has played a significant role in enhancing my business acumen and operational strategies. The insights gained from the Business Model and Financial Model design lessons have not only heightened my awareness of critical business pain points, but also fortified my approach to the village agent strategy, leading to improved efficiency and outreach. The newfound confidence in engaging with financial institutions for loans and grants is a testament to the program’s effectiveness in equipping entrepreneurs with the necessary skills to articulate business propositions compellingly.” he stated.

Let’s have a look to the interview we made to Lovemore.

1. How was your business idea born?

In the heart of rural Zimbabwe, a dimly lit hut illuminated by candlelight was the humble beginning of Agriput Solar. Every time I would visit my mother in the rural areas I was moved by the sight of her toiling under smoky and inadequate candle and fire lighting, and embarked on a quest for a brighter and cleaner solution. Discovering solar lights that promised quality and durability, not only transformed my mother’s life but also ignited a passion for women’s empowerment. This personal journey sparked a business that now bridges the energy gap in rural communities through quality, affordable, renewable and clean energy solutions, turning a single act of love into a beacon of hope and progress for many.

2. Could you share a general framework of the services, activities, solutions and/or benefits that your business has provided over the last years?

Agriput Solar delivers affordable and accessible energy solutions to places where electricity is scarce. Thus bridging the energy gap especially for the underserved rural communities and combating climate change.

3. What are the main achievements of the past 3 years and the goals for the next 3?

The main achievements we reached in the last three years gives an important contribute on reaching the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In particular, SDG 8, Decent work and economic development: we have created 400 jobs for energy entrepreneurs and counting. SDG 7, Affordable and clean energy: we have distributed 30,200 solar lights impacting 120,800 people. SDG 13, Climate Action: we have saved over 2,900t of carbon emissions by moving from candles and paraffin. SDG 1, No poverty: we have generated at least $500 000 in income savings without monthly purchase of fossil fuels.

In next 3 years our goal is to deliver over 180,000 clean energy solutions impacting 720 000 people, saving over 300 000t of carbon emissions and over 400 new jobs created.

4. Which have been the main challenges you had to overcome in your entrepreneurial experience?

One of the biggest challenges have been the limited access to finance to secure adequate quality and affordable products. This resorted us to seek partnerships with competitors such as Namene Solar, for which we are now one of the official distributors on the SM200 product line.

Also, we faced the unavailability of off road vehicles to effectively reach remote areas, constant breakdown of the sedans limiting access due to bad roads and limited technical ability to manage a last mile delivery model.

5. Could you tell us a particular satisfactory moment you had in your entrepreneurial activity?

Being able to see the lives of women being changed is more than enough for me. It’s what I wanted to see at the birth of Agriput Solar.

6. Can you tell us more about the impact you are creating?

An impact study by 60 Decibels on Agriput Solar business revealed that 87% of our customers had their lives very much improved through income savings, children being able to better study when the sun goes down and conducting businesses also during the night hours. These testimonies are invaluable to me.

7. In your opinion, what are the main qualities an entrepreneur should have?

Passion and a Vision.

8. Is there a person you are inspired by, like an entrepreneur or a particular mentor?

The Zimbabwean businessman Strive Masiiwa, who built one of the largest support programs for educating orphans in Africa.

9. What would you suggest to a new-born entrepreneur?

A journey of a thousand miles began with a step. Take the first step and believe in who God has created in you.

8. Finally, could you tell us how the MBA has helped you and your business? 

I am largely impressed by the way E4Impact combines practical application and theorical knowledge; the practical application of the financial models and spreadsheets in real-world scenarios, particularly in successful award applications, underscores the tangible benefits of the program. The comprehensive nature of the discussions and lectures has broadened my business perspective, refining my skills and fostering a more robust adoption of these practices in my social enterprise. The accolade of winning an award from the Foundation (Gian Marco Moratti Award 2024) has further solidified my confidence, serving as a beacon of Agriput Solar business’s potential and my capability as an entrepreneur.

Learn more about Agriput Solar:

Website: www.agriputsolar.com

Facebook page: @Agriput SOLAR