I am Alessio Iommi, I’m from a small town in the region of Marche in Italy. I’m currently studying Business Management at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan and I’m writing to share my fabulous experience in Uganda with you.
Everything started when I first heard about the possibility of going to Africa and doing an internship there. I was at the University and during a lesson my friends were talking about it, so I decided to call my father to ask his opinion and he immediately said to me that I should have done it.

My journey there hasn’t been easy but it has been the most important and beautiful experience that I’ve ever done. During those three months I’ve had the opportunity to discover a new culture and learn a lot of things, like, for example, how to work efficiently in a team. Staying there, far away from my everyday life, also made me reflect on my life, my family, my future and the importance of my roots. All these reflections allowed me to broaden my horizons and consider some scenarios for my future, which I would have never considered before.

During the internship we’ve done several interesting things, but the one that I’ve liked the most has been organising the E4Impact Community Event, as it has been an experience with a very high social impact. We have had the possibility to help entrepreneurs from every edition of the MBA to develop their businesses and create partnerships, knowing each other and exchange opinions.
I strongly recommend this experience to anyone who wants to challenge himself and become a better person.

Alessio Iommi