Hi guys, my name is Renato Borzone and I’m a student of Business Management at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. I’ve been studying in Milan for five years but my carefree student life is almost coming to an end and I’m graduating soon. I was planning to write a standard theoretical thesis in Milan, when Africa crossed my way all of a sudden and I couldn’t ignore its call.

Humans are creatures of comfort. Our comfort zone is our natural, neutral state. I was good in my comfort zone, but maybe it was the time for me for being slightly uncomfortable. There it comes the E4Impact internship program: three months in Nairobi, Kenya, working at Tangaza University College at the MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship as international Business Coach support.

When I arrived at Tangaza, I joined the local team with my companion Nicolò and we worked on everyday basis with the Business Coach of the MBA, Daniel Mwangi. During my work, I have learned how to engage with different people and situations and, most of all, I’ve understood that the real issues are not written on a copybook and that the solutions are not perfectly right or wrong, but they consist in a stimulating exchange of views with all the people involved in the team.

But an internship in Kenya means not only working: I was totally involved in Nairobi life, in a 360° experience that surely contributed to enrich me a lot.

I travelled around the Country on boda-boda and matatu; ate a tons of chapati; saw wild animals so closely that I find it difficult to explain the emotions. Not only, I also enjoyed breathtaking places and landscapes; proudly joined Resolution Impala Saracens rugby team and I  met people with a different mindset that have broadened my horizons.

But most of all, I met people that I now consider friends and I came back to Italy with a baggage of emotions that probably was too heavy for the plain but not for my hearth.

Kenya and this internship will be one of the best memory of my life. I higly reccommend this experience!


Renato Borzone