Oscar Aghan is a brilliant entrepreneur that attended the 5th edition of the MBA in Nairobi (Kenya) to develop his business Continental Renewable Co. Ltd – COREC.
He founded Corec in 2012 to recycle waste plastic into building hardware (fencing posts, roofing tiles, manhole covers, and pavement blocks) and sells this to developers and construction companies providing them with affordable and durable construction material. The products are made by blending consumer waste plastic and sand; this gives the products good insulation properties while keeping it affordable.
“I enrolled in the E4Impact MBA to acquire entrepreneurial skills and build market linkages. Networking is fundamental for every business” he says.
Oscar holds a MSc in Public Health and Project Management, an MBA in Certified Master Project Management and in Certified Professional Financial Management. His business, COREC holds a patent and a registered trade mark.
Let’s go deep in his entrepreneurial life to learn more on this waste management activity.
1. How was your Business Idea born?
It came out of an opportunity and inspiration to live and work in a clean environment.
2. How can your business improve the life of the beneficiaries of your activities?
Many youths who currently supply us were formerly street boys, muggers and prostitutes. Today we have trained 300 into micro entrepreneurs who supply us with post-consumer plastic we use for making our posts and tiles.
3. What has been the main challenge you had to overcome in your entrepreneurial experience?
Surely it was training youth to become micro entrepreneurs who will in future become my suppliers of post-consumer plastic, raising capital to grow the business.
“We’ve trained more than 300 street boys into micro entrepreneurs”

4. In your opinion, what are the main qualities an entrepreneur should have?
I would say at least four: knowledgeable, resilient, daring and social!
5. Is there a person you are inspired by, i.e. an entrepreneur or a particular mentor?
Yes, Manu Chandaria, he’s a great man.
6. What would you suggest to a new-born entrepreneur?
Start early, make your mistakes and count your losses as you learn from experience.
7. Could you tell us a particular satisfactory moment you had in your entrepreneurial activity?
There are many, but the best one probabily is when my enterprise was nominated for the Sankalp African Award and went ahead and won the first prize in Africa.
8. Could you tell us how E4Impact MBA has helped your career?
E4Impact MBA is a practical course that equips students with modern entrepreneurial skills to face business challenges and initiate startups. I have built numerous market linkages and got in touch with many potential customers other than acquiring skills: exactly what I was looking for.
Learn more on Continental Renewable Co. Ltd
Facebook page: corec.co.ke
Twitter account: @corecL