
Green to Grow

SWITCH Africa Green – Green to Grow
A Revenue Generation Approach for SCP Dissemination in Kenya

The project contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of Kenyan Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in agribusiness and with specific regard to the mangocoffee and dairy sectors, while strengthening their ability to compete in local and international markets.

Specific objective is to ensure an enhanced competitive advantage for the target MSMEs, reached by the adoption of Sustainable Consumption and Production practices (SCPs) and technologies, thanks to improved business models, stronger managerial skills and increased access to dedicated financial instruments.
The action intends to achieve the specific objective by creating the condition for the MSMEs to adopt SCPs that, on the one hand, allow the MSMEs to go green, on the other, increase the efficiency of their business models and the quality of their produce. To do so, the initiative will include the following activities:

  • building of awareness around the SCPs and related benefits;
  • training on SCPs and building of managerial capacities;
  • facilitating funding opportunities;
  • disseminating SCPs and project results across the agribusiness sector.

Through facilitating the adoption of SCPs by MSMEs and the disseminating SCPs, the action intends to spark emulation and generate an impact of a size that is not achievable if acting on individual cases that will ultimately facilitate the growth in the agribusiness sector through the adoption of SCPs.

Within this project E4Impact is in charge of the training on SCPs and building of managerial capacities.


Handbooks realized within the project:

The Green Business Model Handbooks for:

  • COUNTRY: Kenya
  • THEMATIC AREA: Agribusiness
  • PERIOD: 01/01/2018 - 30/04/2021
  • DONOR: European Union
  • PARTNERS: Etimos Foundation (Lead Applicant), Stockholm Environment Institute, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tangaza University College, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Cassa Padana B.C.C., SEFEA Consulting
  • STATUS: Concluded