
Business Networking Week in Italy

The Business Networking Week in Italy (BNWI) is a networking and business development program that E4Impact offers to the best entrepreneurs of the Global MBAs in Impact Entrepreneurship and those of the other training programs that it delivers in Africa through the E4Impact Alliance.

The BNWI intends to establish a collaboration platform between African Entrepreneurs and Italian Business Stakeholders (mostly Companies, Businesses, Startups, Business Service Providers). Participants to the BNWI will be able to:

  • Acquire knowledge about how to do business with EU markets
  • Establish partnerships with EU businesses and potential partners
  • Develop personal relations with African peers
  • Explore new market and business opportunities
  • Experience Italian excellences

Italian Business Stakeholders will:

    • Know the African socio-economic and entrepreneurial context and its relations with Italy
    • Acquire knowledge on Sub-Sahara African Markets
    • Meet the best African impact entrepreneurs trained by E4Impact with the highest academic and business standards
    • Find new internationalization opportunities in Africa

Prestigious partners and stakeholders always join the BNWI.

In the 2020 Edition, CONFINDUSTRIA, the main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy, is supporting the BNWI by inviting the selected participants to CONNEXT 2020, its main business network event of the year. CONNEXT 2020 consists of two days (February 27-28, 2020) full of networking with potential partners/customers/suppliers, matching with Italian companies interested in exploring African markets and individual business meetings.

Furthermore, ROTARY CLUB MILANO will host the participants for a dedicated business dinner.