Waste management is becoming more and more a crucial issue in Africa and in the whole world, especially in the last years: the more we go on, the more it turns out to be fundamental to find functional and sustainable ways to dispose them.

That’s the field in which our E4Impact entrepreneur, Kengne Fany Miglange, operates with her company Royal Bio Industry SARL. The business, opened in Cameroon, helps communities, farmers and institutions transforming waste into useful resources such as gas, fertilizers and electricity. It focuses mainly on the rural communities to have a greater impact and operates in all cities of the Country.

The entrepreneur joined our Global MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship in Douala in 2020 because she dreamt to impact her community. With this aim, during the MBA she was able to convert her idea into a business, improve her business strategies and expand her network.

“The MBA program helped me a lot: I was finally able to see my dreams come true and to keep feeding my vision until it became a reality. In my batch, I was the most dynamic because I was always willing to learn and I kept burdening my lecturers with questions; I allowed them to challenge me all the time because I wanted to be sure that my project was viable.” she stated.

Let’s have a look to the interview we made to Fany.

1. How was your Business Idea born?

All started with the determination to solve a problem. Actually, after my Bachelor, I moved to another region which was way cleaner and less populated than the littoral, where I came from. When I got back home for holidays, my friends never wanted to come visiting me because the littoral was so dirty that it stunk. Somehow, I felt like I was the littoral, I felt like I was the one being insulted. So, I decided to do something about it: and I did a lot of research and I found out that a different situation was possible, thanks to a better waste management. So, I kept pushing, until I got to E4Impact.

Today, with Royal Bio Industry SARL, we’ve helped so many communities transforming their wastes into useful resources that I feel I’m on the right track. Our vision is to become a leader company in the area of waste management.

2. What were your first business ideas before joining the MBA? 

My first business idea was to recycle all types of wastes, especially the plastic wastes into pavements.

3. Which main challenges were you experiencing in your business, if any?

The main challenge is, at the moment, to get the right expertise to scale up my vision. I would like to bottle the upgraded gas from waste, like it’s done in India; but since it’s a new concept in my country, it’s now challenging. Not impossible though. I’m sure I will get it done in Cameroon too.

4.  What has surprised you the most about this experience?

I was surprised by the fact that every person, up to the top management, of the E4Impact Foundation was willing to see us succeed; at anytime I write and I get an answer.

5. Which elements about the MBA mostly contributed to make significant impact on your business plan and growth?

The ability to master my project and to pitch it in not less than 5 minutes successfully. Also, the knowledge gained on financial elements and on how to structure our value propositions and our solution, including the impact on the community and environment.

6. What has been the main challenge you had to overcome in your entrepreneurial experience? 

My main challenge has been the fact that, though my project solves so many problems and has so many environmental and social impacts, I felt like it’s not worth valuable; so, during my training, I had to force my way insuring that people also pay attention to my project. I kept developing strategies that could captivate investors.

6. In your opinion, what are the main qualities an entrepreneur should have?

Dynamism, tenacity, determination and self-confidence.

7.Is there a person you are inspired by, i.e. an entrepreneur or a particular mentor?

Mr Flavien Tchamdjeu, the E4Impact Francophone Manager, who helped me and inspired me a lot during my MBA.

8.  Finally, what would you suggest to a new-born entrepreneur?

Don’t wait anyone to motivate you, believe in yourself and keep pushing and challenging your project, be opened and dynamic. You should also be aware that your vision or project is not for everyone, so keep doing what’s right ensuring that your niche is satisfied. Be open to corrections.

Learn more about Royal Bio Industry SARL:

Facebook page: @ROYAL BIO Industry SARL