

FIL – Training, Enterprise, and Employment to Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Development

The FIL project aims to boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth and youth employment by fostering the socio-economic inclusion of young women and men through business creation, skill building and job placement in the cities of Bamako and Kita.

In particular, the project’s activities are aimed at three key outcomes:

  • Self-employment and job creation, thanks to the training and the support given to entrepreneurs and cooperatives;
  • The development of skills corresponding to the needs of the local private sector;
  • Creation of a positive environment for the training and the employment of young people both nationally and internationally.

Within this project, E4Impact Foundation has been involved of identifying the needs of the value chains and is responsable, together with TechnoLAB-ISTA, for the organization and providing of the Global MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship, aimed at highly educated entrepreneurs who can pursue a university path in business management with international faculty.

In addition, the foundation will also participate with some of its trainers in the entrepreneurial and management training activities planned for aspiring/real entrepreneurs who are not eligible to participate in the MBA and in the training course for agricultural cooperatives in the Kita area.

  • COUNTRY: Mali
  • PERIOD: APRIL 2024 - NOVEMBER 2025
  • DONOR: Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS)
  • PARTNER: Action Aid, Engim - AAI, Associazione Rondine Cittadella della Pace, TechnoLAB - ISTA, Association Malienne des Expulsés – AME, Association Malienne des Centres de Formation Professionnelle Agrées par le Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle AMCFP/MEFP
  • STATUS: Ongoing