

Support Project for the Development of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises «PADMPME» 

The objective of the project is training 7,770 women entrepreneurs in 4 different cities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Kinshasa, Goma, Lubumbashi and Matadi.

Within this project, E4Impact will train 200 local trainers and coaches who, in turn, will train women in business model design. The training will focus on: Simplified business model, perception of its potential, team building, results orientation and negotiation techniques, emancipation, creation of cooperatives, associations and other productive relations for market access and economies of scale. 

After that, about 3,000 of these beneficiaries will enter the second phase of the project, which consists of group coaching activity: individual discussion will determine the development goals of each company and will establish a development plan based on the growth potential.

  • COUNTRY: Democratic Republic of Congo
  • THEMATIC AREA: Women Empowerment
  • PERIOD: 04/04/2022 - 30/06/2023
  • DONOR: World Bank
  • STATUS: Concluded