With the end of 2021 we’ve concluded our contribution to the project “ProAgro – Support to the development of sustainable agribusiness micro enterprises and creation of employment opportunities in disadvantaged areas of Tunisia”, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).

The project aims to take part in the improvement of the living conditions of the rural areas of Tunisia, through the strengthening of microenterprises in the agro-food sector (milk, vegetables, dates, herbs and medicines, olive oil…) in Beja, Kasserine, Kebili, Le Kef, Mahdia e Sidi Bouzid governorates.

Within the project, E4Impact Foundation has been in charge of the training of officials from the Ministry of Agriculture (APIA) and business coaches from the Agricultural Training Agency (AVFA) on how to develop business models, find solutions and define strategies for Tunisian startups and SMEs. This objective has been fulfilled through the implementation of 3 intense training sessions, which included frontal lectures to introduce concepts and tools, followed by individual/group activities and coaching sessions to apply such content to their business cases. A handbook was prepared for participants, which includes case studies and standardized business models.

During the three cycles of entrepreneurship sessions, held in December 2020, May 2021 and November 2021 respectively, participants learned to identify and assess the needs of Tunisian entrepreneurs. Not only that, they also learned to set up a solid business strategy through the use of specific operational tools, such as Business Model Canvas, a format to build a marketing plan, sheets for basic accounting and administration management and a map for impact measurement. Moreover, the last training (from the 15th to the 26th of November 2021) saw the active participation of 9 Tunisian startuppers, who enriched the session with the examples of their newly established companies.

Overall, the intensive training courses that have been carried out enabled E4Impact to strengthen the technical and management skills of about 25 officials from the Ministry of Agriculture (APIA) and the Agricultural Training Agency (AVFA).

Having reached the end of this amazing journey, E4Impact Foundation wants to thank everyone who has taken part in this project. In particular, our partners: ICU – Istituto per la Cooperazione UniversitariaWeWorld-GVC OnlusDipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali – DAFNE dell’Università della TusciaDipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari per una filiera agro-alimentare Sostenibile – DiSTAS dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Sede di Piacenza and Camera Tuniso-Italiana di Commercio e Industria – CTICI.