
Business for Green Impact

Business for Green Impact

The project aims to create business opportunities and jobs through green urban planning, to contribute to economic growth, peace, political stability and social development of the communities.
For this purpose, the project aims to improve the business ecosystem, the business practices and policies to support development in the green housing sector in the city of Soroti in Uganda.

The project has three areas of activity:

  • Create a database of sustainable entrepreneurs in the green building sector at local level.
  • Financial support for sustainable entrepreneurs to ensure access to credit.
  • Capacity building of entrepreneurs in the sector and improvement of green urban planning and green building policies.

Within this project, E4Impact will first carry out an assessment of the value chain, a selection of the best 25 companies in the sector, and a review and collection of the best technical solutions in European and local social housing.

Then, it will train local entrepreneurs in the following areas: i. Business Modelling; ii. Innovation; iii. Marketing; iv. Financial Modelling Boot Camp; Investor Relations.

Finally, E4Impact will carry out an assessment of the investors present in Uganda, constituting, together with the Lead Partner GGGI,  “Local Green Building/Social Housing Committees”, thus promoting regular contacts between the contracting public administrations, financiers and entrepreneurs in the sector.

  • COUNTRY: Uganda
  • THEMATIC AREA: Sustainable Housing
  • PERIOD: 14/12/2022 - 13/06/2024
  • PARTNER: Global Green Growth Institute (Applicant)
  • STATUS: Concluded
Entrepreneurs with a business in the green building sector
Skills improvement
Entrepreneurs who reported an increase in their entrepreneurial skills
Turnover increase
Entrepreneurs who experienced an increase in their business turnover
new jobs
Average number of new jobs creater per entrepreneur