EDU’KAS – Action to support the EDUcational system in the province of Central KASaï
The Democratic Republic of Congo is an extremely fragile country, where education is one of the most problematic areas, with repercussions throughout the country.
In particular, the Central Kasai area fights against a situation of humanitarian emergency due to conflicts that have had a significant impact on the population, especially children: according to the analyses conducted by E4Impact together with the project partners, more than 40% of children from the Centra Kasai between the ages of 6 and 17 do not attend school, and only 77% of children go on to further education once they finish primary school.
The EDU’KAS project, implemented by E4Impact Foundation in collaboration with AVSI, AIDES, and TPO – DRC in the Demba and Dibaya territories of central Kasai province, aims to contribute to the strengthening of the education system in the Democratic Republic of Congo through a three-goal action based on three main dimensions in support of children’s education: access, quality, and economic empowerment of young people through vocational support and the start-up of income-generating activities that substain the education sector.
Within the project, E4Impact is in charge of capacity building activities for trainers of Vocational Training Centers in Central Kasai, as well as providing the participant small enterprises with business development and internationalization services, mentoring and coaching.