Stephanie Dowuona-Owoo is one of our youngest woman entrepreneurs. She is very creative and has a great passion for art, this is why she founded Smart creation, a company established in Accra that aims at producing functional and unique art works to serve as aesthetic and utilitarian purposes.
“Art is a part of my life. After my junior high education I studied arts through to the university level, thus from visual arts in secondary level to industrial arts (metals) in the tertiary level. I decided to enroll in the E4Impact MBA to get more knowledge and skills in the business world.”
Her business is now at the commencing stages but production is ongoing and it has become a Ghanaian art hub, where Stephanie produces and sells bulk and scrap metal works art and always scout for new and emerging metal artist. She offers training and event management services, in order to create a new environment for the art world and also make art one of the most valued things all around Africa and the globe. Stephanie attended the 3rd edition of the E4Impact MBA in Accra (Ghana) at Catholic Institute of Business and Technology.
Let’s learn more on her activities.
1.How was your Business Idea born?
During my first section in the MBA, thus coming up with a value proposition. Thoughts of using the metal art I studied to go into car manufacturing but upon review of my passion by my lecturers and coach I came up with this wonderful business idea.
2.How can your business improve the life of the beneficiaries of your activities?
Arts in itself is a form of therapy for the mind, using it for decorations and other utilitarian purposes can awaking ones sense of thinking. When a consumer study the art work he or she bought, he/she end up having a great idea of how to resolve a problem around him.
“I want to make art one of the most valued things all around Africa”
3.What has been the main challenge you had to overcome in your entrepreneurial experience?
One of my main challenges is capital and overcoming it has being a setback in my business.
4.Is there a person you are inspired by, i.e. an entrepreneur or a particular mentor?
Am inspired by Constance Swanika, an award-winning contemporary Ghanaian artist and sculptor.
5.What would you suggest to a newborn entrepreneur?
They should never give up no matter the situation or circumstance.
6.Could you tell us a particular satisfactory moment you had in your entrepreneurial activity?
When I realized that, I could make it to the top.
7. Could you tell us how the MBA has helped you and your business ?
It is a great program and I think it should be offered in every country. It has given me more insight about business and how to grow it and keep it.
Learn more on Smart Creation
Facebook page: @sc.arthome