A cup of coffee that comes from Uganda and goes directly into the homes of Italian consumers: this is now possible thanks to a special partnership created among FattorMia (from Italy), NUCAFE (from Uganda) and E4Impact Foundation (the bridge among the two countries).

FattorMia is a new green Italian project that allows everybody to build their own garden or farm by adopting animals or plants from all over the world; NUCAFE is a sustainable market-driven system of coffee farmer organizations, which improves household incomes in 19 districts of Uganda and operates across the entire coffee value chain. The matching opportunities comes from itself.

Thanks to this new partnership, costumers will be able to adopt their own Ugandan coffee plant for one year and monitor its growth and the work of farmers, in the private area of FattorMia portal. There, it will be possible to follow the ripening phases of the fruit and the harvest, as well as to monitor the transport of the raw material by tracking the shipment. From Uganda to Italy, the coffee of Queen of Coffee will be roasted by NUCAFE’s historical partner: Caffè River SpA, this will allow every foster family to receive 8 kg of coffee beans at the end of the adoption period.

“At NUCAFE we are proud to be partners of Fattormia, E4Impact and Caffe River to give Italian consumers the opportunity to own coffee plants in Uganda and to have coffee with a human face. We are convinced that it is also a great opportunity for our ecotourism, which thus has the possibility to offer a full experience with our cultural heritage, the nature conservation and the contribution to community development.”, comments Joseph Nkandu, Executive Director of NUCAFE.

Joseph has been one of the first entrepreneurs at the E4Impact Global MBA in Impact Entrepreneurship, launched in 2010 in Kenya. Seeing how far he’s gone with his business is a honour for E4Impact Foundation, that have been striving for years in order to support impact entrepreneurs around Africa to grow their companies.

The work of FattorMia is perfectly aligned with E4Impact’s mission, since it aims to raise awareness on the issues of sustainability and social responsibility. This is why the Foundation has been eager to foster this Italy-Uganda  collaboration with one of its entrepreneurs.

«The effort made by E4Impact and Nucafe is a living example of social responsibility. We identify ourselves in the relationship developed by them with the small producers of the South of the world, because it corresponds to that principle that drives our work. We have always tried to enhance the social and educational role of farmers who protect biodiversity, nature, local tradition and scenic beauty. Fattormia represents a virtual and physical place where it is possible to make a pact with agricultural realities to build a virtuous network, personally protecting nature and above all its values. We are happy to relaunch these principles thanks to this collaboration, which will allow our subscribers to enjoy the quality of many special cups of coffee », stated Maria Sanvito, co-founder of Fattormia.

Thanks to the network created in the 18 African Countries where it operates, E4Impact supports the expansion of Italian SMEs in Africa, by matching them with reliable local entrepreneurs. Furthermore it helps creating win-win partnership with Italian and African realities, as it has happened in this case with Joseph and FattorMia.

If you wish to support this partnership and adopt a coffee plant, visit this link: